Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

municipal and hazardous waste incineration

Written on: 06.10.2014#1



In ecoinvent 2 the water content of waste for incineration must be added to the mass of dry waste.
„The disposal of one kilogram dry [waste] must be inventoried as (1/100%-w%)) kilogram (wet [waste]) to municipal incineration“. – ecoinvent report No. 13
In ecoinvent 2 the water content was included in the data set name.

Is in ecoinvent 3.1 the procedure the same? In ecoinvent 3 the water content is not included in the data set name. I choose the water content from the "General Comment" (H2O in ppm)?

Best regards and thanks

Written on: 05.11.2014#2

Dear Julian,

To quote the full paragraph from v2.2 report 13-II about incineration:

"The disposal of one kilogram dry polyethylene must be inventoried as (1/(100%-w%)) kilogram (wet polyethylene) to municipal incineration by the waste-producing activity, using the water content given in the name of the module. Even dry waste is assumed to get wet in the waste bag. There might however be waste materials like paper that are never absolutely dry."

In the version 3, all products bear properties concerning wet, dry mass, water in wet mass, water content, as well as carbon content (fossil and no-fossil).

You can now use the properties to model your disposal.


Emilia Moreno Ruiz

Written on: 05.11.2014#3


Dear Emilia,

some treatment Activitys such as “treatment of liquid crystal display, municipal waste incineration – CH” bear properties with 0 kg water in wet mass. The detailed information of the ”waste composition (wet, in ppm)” (listed under Activity/General Comment) contains 4.0144% H2O.

In this case is the water content w in (1/(100%-w%))also 0% or 4,0144%?

Best regards and thanks