Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

use of recycled materials

Written on: 12.09.2019#1



I am trying to make a model for corrugated board box that use a 100% recycled paper as a raw material.

However, I could not find recycled dataset for cardboard. As for, current dataset of corrugated board box consist of virgin (fluting medium: semichemical and linerboard: kraftliner) and recyled materials (fluting medium: wellenstoff and linerboard: testliner).

Can anyone help me with this case? 

Thank you :D

Written on: 13.09.2019#2

Dear alifiyaikh,


the default linking of the corrugated board box supply chain includes both recycled and virgin materials. You can customize the process for corrugated board box production in such a way that the inputs of linerboard and fluting medium link to the production of the recycled containerboard grades, testliner and wellenstoff, instead of demanding those inputs via the market datasets (which deliver the default mix of recycled and virgin).


Kind Regards,
Florentine Brunner,
Data Analyst, ecoinvent

Written on: 17.09.2019#3


Thank you Florentine.


In this case also, anyone ever make a cut off approach (100/0) or avoided burden approach (0/100)? 

Really appreciate your help.


