Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive


Written on: 05.03.2020#1

I am new LCA practitioner and still have alot of challenges, but thank you for this forum.

I am trying conduct an LCA of biogas enhancement with additives such as Iron nanoparticles, magnetite and pyrrole. I am using SimaPro, I do not seem to see them on Ecoinvent databases, is it on ecoinvent and how can I navigate it.

Is Humic Acid and Arsenic III Oxide on Ecoinvent database too?


Thanks you


Written on: 06.03.2020#2

Hi Sam,

Thank you for your thread. We do have magnetite and you will need to search for it as you would have done for every other process. I am not sure we have the rest of the substances but you can have a look in our activity overview here.

Kind regards,

Avraam Symeonidis,

Data analyst, ecoinvent

Written on: 27.03.2020#3

Dear Sam,


A good point to start your search for products and processes in the ecoinvent database is the activity overview file. You can filter for process and product names, ISIC and CPC classifications, geographies etc. For example you will find magnetite production, GLO (global). For the other chemicals you mention you do currently not have direct matches, however, perhaps you can take products of similar composition/production conditions to adapt the data to your system’s needs.


Kind regards,

Florentine Brunner

Data Analyst, ecoinvent