Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

Include carbon storage in landfill model

Written on: 28.04.2020#1


Hi, I calculated the amount of carbon storage from the landfill of wood products but I am not sure how do I include carbon storage amount in the process card LCA software. Do I need to include it under the ecoinvent dataset of 'Carbon, in organic matter, in soil' and do I need to include it as an avoided impact. 


Written on: 08.05.2020#2

Dear Sara,

I am not sure I understand what you would like to achieve. To better address your issue please send an email to with a detailed description of your problem as well as:

• The LCA software you are using
• ecoinvent database version
• System model
• A list of datasets involved

Best regards,
Johannes Müller, Junior Data Analyst, ecoinvent Association