Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

Non-existent parameters in a "parameterized template dataset"

Written on: 04.08.2020#1



I am currently using ecoinvent 3.6 integrated in GaBi software and I would like to use "machine operation, diesel, < 18.64 kW, steady-state " process and to adapt it to my particular case, in order to enable the creation of a specific instance (as the dataset description says it is possible - I attached pdf dataset documentation). However, the process has not any free parameters. How one could/should model the process to adapt it? According to dataset description, it should have parameters this dataset is a template dataset and has been parameterized for the machine power (in kW), emission standard and load factor.


Thank you,


Written on: 05.08.2020#2

Dear Raluca,

Parameters for datasets are only accessible in the Undefined Unit Processes (i.e. before linking and allocation) of the dataset, which are not accessible in GaBi. To view the parameters, please use our online portal ecoQuery (for which you should have received a login from Sphera). Search for the dataset there and you can view the parameters. To get you started in ecoQuery, check out this page: How to Use ecoinvent 3 online.

Best regards,

Johannes Müller, Junior Data Analyst, ecoinvent association



Written on: 05.08.2020#3


Dear Johannes,

Thank you for your response. I already checked before the ecoQuery portal and I know which are the parameters for this dataset. My problem is that I don't know how or where I can change the machine power (in kW), emission standard and load factor to enable the creation of specific instances I need and to include them in my analysis.

Meanwhile, I spoke also at Sphera Customer Care and they told me that "in agreement with the ecoinvent team, parameters were generally not transferred to GaBi". Therefore, it looks like I can not use this dataset or any parameterized dataset from ecoinvent when working with GaBi software. Am I wrong?

Thank you.


Written on: 06.08.2020#4


Dear Raluca,



As stated correctly by Sphera Customer Care, you are not able to change the parameters of a dataset in GaBi and therefore it is not possible to use the parametrized dataset in GaBi directly. What you could do, is to consult the mathematical relations in ecoQuery and calculate your own version of the dataset. If you do this please take into account that the version of the dataset in ecoQuery is in the pre-linked unallocated state.


Best regards,


Johannes Müller, Junior Data Analyst, ecoinvent association