Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

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machine operation database

Written on: 22.10.2020#1



I would be so thankful if you could please let me know what are differences between 

machine operation/generator

machine operation/ high or low load factor

and machine operation/ steady-state

to get clear, I need the use of cranes in unloading and loading containers from the ship, train, and truck in my modeling. And I have thought, one of these could be a good similar database. 

I would be so thankful if you could please guide me. (honestly, I am in a hurry)

Kindest regards,


Written on: 23.10.2020#2

Dear Mahboobeh,

Thank you for your thread. The choice lies solely on you and the case you wish to specifically model. Datasets you refer to have small variations between them. Please have a look in their documentation and perhaps it will help you choose better. You can have a look at them and in their diesel consumption along with their CO2 direct emissions. Those two hints might help you choose. The high load factor has the highest fuel consumption.

I hope that was helpful,

Kind regards,

Avraam Symeonidis,

Data analyst, ecoinvent Association