Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

Geographies Id ecoinvent 3.7

Written on: 13.01.2021#1


Hello dear comunity I wonder if someone has an updated file for the geopraphies id for ecoinvent 3.7.

The updated version that are in the ecoinvent website do no has the geographies id.

I would appreciate if someone has it or now were I can find it, I tried to write an email to ecoinvent but so far I do not recieve any replay.


Best regards


Written on: 14.01.2021#2


Dear Johan,



You can find a list of all geographies (with IDs) of the most recent version in the activity overview (tab ‘geographies’) downloadable in the database section of our website (there called “List of all ecoinvent dataset”). Alternatively, you can find the activity overview of previous ecoinvent versions here. The activity overview from 3.4 upwards contains a tab with geographies and their IDs.



I hope this answers your question.



Best regards,


Johannes Müller, Data Analyst, ecoinvent association