@yang_qiu: CO2 emission from biomethane are assumed as climate neutral, at least with ReCiPe. Compare these results with ILCD Impact assessment and you yould see a difference. Further more you should consider the allocatiopn factors, since electricity is the more valuable product. You can also find the not-allocated datasets on the ecoinvent webpage. Dear Avraam Symeonidis,
thank you four your answer. Shouldn't the modeller respect the methodology of the database he uses? If I receive credits for giving away digester sludge, the farmer should "pay" for this, if he uses the digestate to replace fertiliser. Otherwise my results are not consitent.
An other question is about this dataset: "maize silage production, Swiss integrated production, intensive | maize silage, Swiss integrated production | Cutoff, U"
One input is: "solid manure loading and spreading, by hydraulic loader and spreader | solid manure loading and spreading, by hydraulic loader and spreader | Cutoff, U"
But no manure itself is mentioned as input. Are emissions of manure decomposing assessed, since this contais carbon? Could yoo please send a copy of the answer to simon.w.rauch@fau.de