Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

ReCiPe in ecoQuery

Written on: 19.09.2019#1



I want to find out the cumulative climate change impacts of several substances/processes using the ReCiPe method (hierarchical, land transformation (LT) shall be included). In ecoQuery (LCIA), there are two options I can choose:

- ReCiPe Midpoint (H) V1.13 and ReCiPe Midpoint (H)

I know that ReCiPe Midpoint (H) V1.13 refers to the superseded 2008 method, so I assumed that ReCiPe Midpoint (H) refers to the 2016 version of ReCiPe.

Usually the climate change results of those two methods are very similar. However, both values are usually significanly lower than those of the IPCC 2013 method and the results I obtain when running the same process in SimaPro with the ReCiPe 2016 Midpoint (H) method, what does not make sense in my opinion.

Do you know which ReCiPe version the impact assessment method called "ReCiPe Midpoint (H)" in ecoQuery refers to?




Written on: 24.09.2019#2

Dear Max, 

Both methods refer to the superseded 2008 version of Recipe.  

The one marked "v1.13" has been updated by us last year, because the previous one had not been maintained.  However, we ran out of time to implement the newer version of Recipe.  

I'm sorry about the confusion, and we have had many users asking for the latest version of Recipe for our next release, so it is on top of the list for method updates for ecoinvent 3.7.  

Kind regards, 

Guillaume Bourgault, project manager at Ecoinvent

Written on: 09.10.2020#3



Please can I confirm whether the ReCiPe 2016 methodology was implemented in the ecoinvent 3.7 update in the end or not? From a quick look I can't see it, but I thought it best to check to be sure.  Do you have a timescale for when it will be added?

Best wishes,


Written on: 12.10.2020#4


Dear Samantha,



You are correct, the ReCiPe 2016 methodology was not included in ecoinvent 3.7. We are at the stage of reviewing the method implementation and it will be added it to the next release (v3.8) of the database.



Best regards,



Johannes Müller, Junior Data Analyst, ecoinvent association