Hello Ana,
If you want to get an overview about the processes present in Ecoinvent version 3.3 related to natural gas production and transportation, you can have a look at the activity overview. You can filter this document for “activityName”, “product name” and “geography”. The list of geographies might also be useful since it lists all shortcuts used for geographies in the datasets. Please mind that names of activities might differ in the software you are using.
When you filter the activity overview V3.3 for the activity name “natural gas production” , you will find that there are datasets available for Algeria. Please note, that datasets covering natural gas production in the Middle East have been added in V3.4 and that datasets for other regions have been updated (see this report of changes).
Please be also aware that datasets related to natural gas transport have been updated in v 3.4 (see section 6.2 of report mentioned before).
I hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Nora Minas, Junior Data Analyst, ecoinvent Association