Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

Mapping file ILCD to ecoinvent 3.6

Written on: 03.08.2020#1




I read in the ecoinvent 3.6 LCIA documentation that the ILCD 2.0 impact categories were implemented by using a mapping file to convert ILCD to ecoinvent 3.6.

I would like to implement the PEF 2.0 and I was wondering if you could share the mapping file so to speed up the process.

Thank you

Written on: 06.08.2020#2


I would like to second that request!

Written on: 06.08.2020#3

Dear Bernhard,

The JRC has published a mapping file here:


(click on “ES2_to_ELCD”)

This was the basis for our mapping. 

You also have access to the LCIA implementation report on the ecoQuery site,, In the section “Files”, “ecoinvent 3.6”, “supporting documents”, “ecoinvent”. 

The Zip contains a spreadsheet with the implementation, but the mapping is not included there.  The mapping we prepare internally does not make sense on its own because it is read by a Python script and many operations are made implicitly by the script. 

Please have a look at these documents.  If you need something else related to this topic, please contact directly Guillaume Bourgault at: 

Best regards,

Avraam Symeonidis,

Data analyst, ecoinvent Association

Written on: 25.08.2020#4


Thank you, Avraam!

However, I am not sure about some synonyms in this list. For instance, ILCD uses elementary flow subcompartments such as "emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks" which is not present in Ecoinvent (or at least not in the OpenLCA version of it?), while its Ecoinvent still is "non-urban air or from high stacks", the same as for "urban air close to ground".

How should one deal with this this emission subcompartment?

Written on: 31.08.2020#5

Dear Bernhard, 

The most important when mapping inventory to a method is to match all the inventory exchanges that can to CF.  Methods often contain CF for substances that are not in the inventory, and these CFs can be ignored, this has no impact on the result.  

Sometimes, the subcompartment between an inventory and a method do not correspond exactly.  The only solution is to make a choice, calculate, then make a second choice, calculate again, and see if the choice makes a difference in the score.  Sometimes, this kind of choice makes little impact on the result, but one should check to be sure.  

I hope this help, you can contact us for more details if you need more help.  

Guillaume Bourgault, project manager, ecoinvent Association.