
I would like to model the production of 1kg of steel via the direct reduction furnace + Electric Arc Furnace route. This route uses approximately 40% of scrap (in my country).

Which would be the best way to do this? In Ecoinvet I cannot find a direct reduction furnace.

I can only find the EAF part of the process (Steel, low-alloyed {RoW}| steel production, electric, low-alloyed | Cut-off, U), but the notes state that the process only uses scrap as an iron bearing input. So, if I use only this process, I believe I would be underestimating the impact assessment results. 

Yet, I also don't think it's appropriate to use only the process "Steel, low-alloyed {RoW}| steel production, converter, low-alloyed | Cut-off, U", because it's a different production route. 

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
