Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

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Using biogas instead of diesel in >32t lorry

Written on: 08.10.2020#1


Dear ecoinvent team,

I want to model transport with a lorry >32 t Euro 6 using biogas instead of diesel. Since biogas in Switzerland has >96% methane content, I exchanged the diesel input with this data: "Methane, 96% by volume, from biogas, from high pressure network, at service station {CH}| market for methane, 96% by volume, from biogas, from high pressure network, at service station | Cut-off, U" and adjusted the mass-input slightly (0.0181 kg methane instead of 0.019 kg diesel). To my surprise, the CO2-equ. emissions are a higher for the lurry working with biomethane than for the one with diesel. Why is that and where did I do a mistake? I understand, that there are CO2 emission during the production of biomethane but the emissions that result from burning should be accounted CO2-neutral. Why is that not the case?


Thank you a lot for your answer. I spend a lot of time to find any answer in the internet. 

Kind regards,


Written on: 08.10.2020#2

Dear Lisa,

Thank you for your thread. Unfortunately, I cannot say with certainty where and most importantly if you made a mistake. My first reaction is that the lorry dataset you used has still the fossil emissions of diesel. While you may consider changing them to biogenic CO2 and biogenic methane - if you have not done this already. Please feel free to send us more information regarding the name of the lorry dataset you use and the version of the database also. Please send those information at and one of our analysts will have a deeper look in the case you are reporting.


Kind regards,

Avraam Symeonidis,

Data analyst, ecoinvent Association