Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

Water Footprint from Inventory

Written on: 26.10.2020#1

I want to extract the use of water of a SimaPro process directly by assessing the direct flows of water from the Inventory results (raw materials):water cooling, water lake, water river, water turbine use, water unspecified, water salt and water well. My doub is if i have to take into account the flows of water cooling and water turbine use, is there a document in which i can found more information about what these two flows are taken into account?

Many thanks

Written on: 28.10.2020#2

Dear Yago,


Yes, you should take them into account. These flows have a mass. The turbine use flow is used specifically in datasets that model hydropower electricity production, while the cooling water flow is used in datasets that extract water specifically for cooling purposes.


You may want to have a look at the following publication for more information regarding water flows in ecoinvent:

Pfister, S., Vionnet, S., Levova, T. et al. Ecoinvent 3: assessing water use in LCA and facilitating water footprinting. Int J Life Cycle Assess 21, 1349–1360 (2016).


Best regards,

David FitzGerald

Data Analyst
