Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

Ultraviolet lamp production

Written on: 13.11.2020#1


Dear all,

I have one question regarding the "ultraviolet lamp production, for water desinfection". It would be possible to know which are the caracteristics of this lamp (dimension, power,..)? I haven't found the lamp description.

Thank you very much in advance.

Kind regards


Written on: 13.11.2020#2

Nikolia Stoikou

Dear Gertri,

Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, this information about the lamp characteristics is not available because the data comes from a real lamp autopsy. You could consider an average lamp in the market that matchs the mass of the lamp modelled in the dataset. Otherwise, you can use other relevant information provided like the input of the silica sand or the steel to look further for similar lamps in the market. I hope this helps.


Kind regards,

Nikolia Stoikou,

Junior Data Analyst, ecoinvent