I am a work-study student in a textile finishing company in France. As part of my license, we want to develop our knowledge of the environmental impact of the company's productions. This would involve evaluating the flows (of materials or energy) entering and leaving at each stage of production. This should inform our part of the LCA. By purchasing this database, can you tell me if I would get accurate information on textile finishing.
Dear Emma,
Thank you for your interest in our database.
The ecoinvent database includes numerous datasets related to textile materials and also some processing of textiles. To find the activities which are relevant for you, I would suggest downloading the activity overview file. You can filter this file by process name (ActivityName), product (ProductName), or the UN classifications ISIC (for processes) and CPC (for products), as well as geography and more. You can also view all our dataset as undefined unit processes (i.e. before linking and allocation) yourself by accessing the data in ecoQuery where you also find a short documentation of each dataset. To do so, please create a guest user account.
Be aware that undefined unit processes means, you only see inputs and outputs such as direct emissions. The cumulative cradle-to-gate emissions including the upstream supply chain and downstream waste treatment processes (LCI and LCIA) can only be accessed by licensees.
I hope this answers your question,
Kind regards,
Nora Minas, Junior Data Analyst, ecoinvent association