Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

Clarification of results

Written on: 27.11.2020#1

 Hi, there!

I would like know whether there is an emission factor of electricity of a selected country ( for example Italy) that already exists within the dataset ( I'm working in OpenLCA, for clarity).


Second, can anyone kindly throw  light on the concept of residual mix of electrical energy, particularly using OpenLCA? 




Written on: 30.11.2020#2


Dear James,



I am not sure I fully understand your question. In ecoinvent you can find information about electricity for different countries, for country mixes you can refer to the “market for electricity, xxx voltage”, for your case for the geography IT. For these as well you can consult the unit process, LCI and LCIA. 



On residual electricity mixes:


This website provides informative documents regarding residual electricity mixes: Link. However, not in regards to OpenLCA.



Best regards,


Johannes Müller, Junior Data Analyst, ecoinvent association