I need a bit of help understanding data sources for US grid electricity. I will use "market for electricity, high voltage/WECC, US only" from ecoinvent v3.6 as an example.
In the General Comment section, we can read:
* This dataset describes the electricity [...] for year 2014.
* The shares of electricity technologies on this market are valid for the year 2016.
Then, in the Time period, we have a start period of 2014 and an end of 2019, with a comment indicating data is for 2014.
Then, in the extrapolation section, we can read "This dataset has been extrapolated from year 2017 to the year of the calculation (2019). The uncertainty has been adjusted accordingly."
And, to add to the confusion, we have a "last edit date" of 2015-07-29.
I hoped to consult the documents mentioned in this comment "Further information can be found in a report available on ecoQuery, section 'Files'.", but could not find them.
CAn anyone clarify exactly what is being modelled in this dataset?