Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

Machin Operation

Written on: 25.02.2021#1



I would be so thankful if you could please let me know what "<18.64 kW" means here:

Machin Operation, diesel, <18.64 kW high load factor

Machin Operation, diesel, <18.64 kW low load factor


Moreover, I would be so thankful if you could please let me know what "low load factor" and "high load factor" mean.

Looking forward to hearing from you.






Written on: 15.03.2021#2



Hi Mahboobeh,


Thank you for your question. To understand what the datasets represent, I would recommend referring to the documentation of the dataset, for example by accessing the dataset in ecoQuery (if you never logged in, please see here). In the general comment of the dataset “machine operation, diesel, < 18.64 kW, high load factor” it is for example stated that the “dataset represents the operation of construction/industrial/airport terminal/logging machines (see list in Synonyms field).” You will also see that "<18.64 kW” refers to the engine power range.


The load factors are defined in the parameter section of the datasets and represent “the average fraction of the nominal engine power output used by the machine during its normal work cycle”.


I hope this answers your question.


Kind regards,


Nora Minas, Junior Data Analyst, ecoinvent Association