Hi all, I'm trying to find a proper resource from ecoinvent for waste rock in lithium mining. Meaning the rock that comes as "additional side rock" from mining. This rock waste is unprocessed but it contains some level of Feldspar that is naturally acid-producing. The disposal of the rock is done by dumbing it on heaps.

Do you have any suggestions? I was thinking of "Treatment of non-sulfidic overburden, off-site" for which the description says "The module is designed for unspecific use for disposal of sulphidic tailings in non-ferrous metal extraction." So I'm a bit confused does this resource apply to non-sulfidic or sulfidic materials and is it more suitable for tailings than for side rock? Also, in terms of tailings, I couldn't find a resource for treatment of non-sulfidic tailings either. Do you have suggestions for it as it seems there are only sulfidic tailings available in ecoinvent?