Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

natural gas, high pressure

Written on: 13.05.2021#1


I wanted to know what the definition of "high pressure" is for the markets for natural gas, high pressure (and their suppliers). However, I could not find the information anywhere:

 - DQG

 - Change report (to v3.4, but also in the others)

 - ecoQuery in the activities themselves

- v2 report "Erdgas" gives one hint on p.76 "Die Verteilgesellschaften betreiben Messstationen und Druckreduzierstationen, in denen der Gasdruck von rund 70 bar (Hochdruck in Transportleitungen) auf etwa 0.1 bar (Beginn des Niederdruckbereiches) reduziert wird. Grössere Verbraucher beziehen das Erdgas direkt ab den Verteilleitungen (0.1-1 bar Überdruck). Für die Versorgung von Kleinverbrauchern in der Schweiz wird das Erdgas hingegen einer Ortsgasversorgung übergeben (Beschreibung im Kap. 10)."

I have done some research, and it seems that "high pressure" may vary between ca. 5-85 bar. And it seems that ca. 70 bar is not a bad assumption, but the pressure may also be much lower at some places (e.g.  Table 5.3).


Can you please clarify what the pressure definition is in ecoinvent? It would be helpful to provide it e.g. in the General Comments field.

Thank you!


Written on: 20.05.2021#2


Hi Karin,

May I direct you to this thread:

There it is mentioned:

“You are right that the exact conditions for natural gas networks at different pressure levels are not specified in ecoinvent. These will differ from system to system and with the gas composition. We therefore recommend to scale the amount of natural gas required for your system based on it’s heating value. The heating value for natural gas in ecoinvent is standardized to 39MJ/m3.”

I hope this answers your question,

Best regards,

Johannes Müller, Data Analyst, ecoinvent association