Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

Why avoided impacts are present in APOS recycle processes?

Written on: 13.07.2021#1



as far as I know attributive systems, such as Cut off and APOS, should not account for avoided impacts derived from recycling.

This is the case in Cut off recycling waste treatments, such as "Aluminium (waste treatment) {GLO}| recycling of aluminium | Cut-off, U", which are modeled as empty boxes, but it's not true for the same processes in their APOS version, e.g. "Aluminium (waste treatment) {GLO}| recycling of aluminium | APOS, U" where 100% of mass is reported as Avoided products like "Aluminium, primary, ingot {RoW}| market for | APOS, U".

Isn't this against attributive systems' basic rules?



Written on: 27.07.2021#2

Dear Alex,


Thank you for your thread. I do not recognise the names of the datasets, would you be so kind as to send us an email with your question at with the ecoinvent dataset names? Please also refer to me in your email.


Kind regards,

Avraam Symeonidis

Junior Project Manager, ecoinvent Association