Forum for ecoinvent Version 3

ecoinvent Forum Archive

Landfill Gas Capture Technologies for Waste Plastic

Written on: 09.08.2021#1



 Looking at sanitary landfill unit processes in ecoinvent, there are several category-specific processes for plastic waste that include landfill gas capture technologies. Can you provide some reference for degradation rates used in the models?  Also, I don’t see similar proxies for paper-based or inert materials landfill which has more bio-based content and higher degradation rates. Is there a specific reason for focusing on LFG capture in plastic waste disposal?

Written on: 11.08.2021#2




Dear M. Montazeri,


Thank you for your question. In ecoinvent, landfill gas (LFG) is defined as gas created from sanitary landfills. You can find the documentation regarding sanitary landfills in Chapter 6 of the v2.1 report “13_III_Landfills”. For the waste degradability rates, including papers, please refer to table 6.1.


No gas collection occurs at residual material landfills and inert material landfills. However, paper-based and inert materials are part of the waste composition for sanitary landfills.




Best regards,


Lea Wollensack,


Junior Data Analyst, ecoinvent