Dear user,
Thank you for your question.
Please check if the software you are using offers training. As far as I know openLCA maintains a forum where you can post this kind of questions and learn from other people’s experience.
Ecoinvent also offers ample information on how to use the database:
- If you want to learn more about how to use ecoinvent online, please take a look here
- If you want to read more about the different system models, please read here
- We offer several webinar recordings and tutorials. Please take a look here for further information
- If you want to find out for which processes and products the ecoinvent database contains data, I invite you to download our activity overview file. It contains a complete list of all activities (processes) and products (column “Name”) contained in the database; you can filter them e.g. by geography, ISIC or CPC classification etc. You will for example see, that the ecoinvent database contains several datasets on beef production.
I hope this helps.
Kind regards
Nora Minas, Data Analyst, ecoinvent association